The RhRating is a component that displays a rating control with customizable icons and behavior. It allows the user to select a rating value from a set of icons and provides props for customizing the appearance and behavior of the icons, such as disabling hover effects, setting the precision of the rating, and highlighting only the selected icons.
Once installed, you can import the RhRating component into your React application:
import {RhRating} from "@rhythm-ui/react"
Then, you can use the RhRating component in your JSX code:
<RhRating value={0} />
Name | Type | Default | Description |
max | number | 5 | Maximum rating (based on this number of icons will render) |
value | number | Rating value | |
precision | 1 | 0.25 | 0.5 | 1 | Set precision of rating |
disableHover | boolean | false | Disable hover effect |
onChange | (value: number) => void | Function to get changed rating value | |
iconFilled | (value: number) => ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> | () => ( <RhIcon icon='heroicons:star-solid' className='text-amber-500 text-2xl' /> ) | Accepts a function that returns a react element to display @param value the rating Value @returns |
iconEmpty | (value: number) => ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> | () => ( <RhIcon icon='heroicons:star' className='text-gray-400 text-2xl' /> ) | Accepts a function that returns a react element to display @param value the rating Value @returns |
highlightSelectedOnly | boolean | Highlight only selected icon | |
readOnly | boolean | Removes all hover effects and pointer events. | |
className | string | ClassName to give custom classes |
The disableHover prop is a boolean that, when set to true, disables the hover effect on the rating icons. This means that the icons will not change appearance when the user hovers over them with the mouse cursor.
function DisableHover() { const [rating, setRating] = useState(0); return ( <RhRating value={rating} onChange={(value) => setRating(value)} disableHover={true} /> ); }
The readOnly prop is a boolean that, when set to true, removes all hover effects and pointer events on the rating icons. This means the user will not be able to change the rating value
<RhRating readOnly={true} value={3} />
The iconFilled and iconEmpty props are functions that return React elements to display filled and empty rating icons, respectively. These functions accept a parameter called "value" which is the rating value and return a React element.
function CustomIcon() { const [rating, setRating] = useState(0); return ( <RhRating value={rating} onChange={(value) => setRating(value)} iconFilled={(value) => <RhIcon icon="heroicons:heart-solid" width="32" />} iconEmpty={() => ( <RhIcon icon="heroicons:heart" width="32" className="text-slate-400 text-xl" /> )} /> ); }
The highlightSelectedOnly prop is a boolean that, when set to true, highlights only the selected rating icons. This means that only the icons that represent the current rating value will have a different appearance, while the rest of the icons will remain unchanged.
function HighlightSelectedOnly() { const [rating, setRating] = useState(0); return ( <RhRating highlightSelectedOnly={true} max={4} value={rating} onChange={(value) => setRating(value)} iconFilled={(value) => ( <RhIcon icon={ value == 1 ? "twemoji:loudly-crying-face" : value == 2 ? "twemoji:disappointed-face" : value == 3 ? "twemoji:slightly-smiling-face" : "twemoji:star-struck" } width="32" /> )} iconEmpty={(value) => ( <RhIcon icon={ value == 1 ? "twemoji:loudly-crying-face" : value == 2 ? "twemoji:disappointed-face" : value == 3 ? "twemoji:slightly-smiling-face" : "twemoji:star-struck" } width="32" className="grayscale" /> )} className="gap-4" /> ); }
The precision prop determines the level of precision for the rating value. It is a number that can be set to 1, 0.25, or 0.5. The default value is 1, which means that the rating can only be set to whole numbers. If precision is set to 0.5, the rating can be set to half-star increments, and if set to 0.25, the rating can be set to quarter-star increments.
function Precision() { function PrecisionR({ pr }) { const [rating, setRating] = useState(0); return ( <div className="text-center"> <p>{pr}</p> <RhRating precision={pr} value={rating} onChange={(value) => setRating(value)} /> </div> ); } return ( <div className="flex justify-around items-center p-4"> <PrecisionR pr={1} /> <PrecisionR pr={0.5} /> <PrecisionR pr={0.25} /> </div> ); }